



The Philipsburg Jubilee Library serves as both the public library and national library of country Sint Maarten. A dedicated and higly motivated staff provides library services to the public under the leadership of a Managing Director. The library is governed by the Philipsburg Jubilee Library Foundation. A Supervisory Board oversees all operations of the Foundation.
The Philipsburg Jubilee Library Needs a New Home, URGENTLY - Pt 3

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library Needs a New Home, URGENTLY - Pt 3

By Fabian A. Badejo.

Books, books and more books! That’s what libraries are made of. The Philipsburg Jubilee Library (PJL) housed over 60,000 volumes before Irma. Books in English, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Papiamento. Books for preschoolers to research fellows. The bookshelves are mostly empty now, with the vast majority of the publications sealed off in cartons where they obviously don’t belong,
The Philipsburg Jubilee Library Needs a New Home, URGENTLY – Pt. 2

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library Needs a New Home, URGENTLY – Pt. 2

By Fabian A. Badejo

It’s September 22, 2018. Saturday, 11:00 am in Great Bay. There’s no space in the parking lot, so I ended up parking at a short distance from the Philipsburg Jubilee Library. From the outside, it didn’t look like it had been damaged much by Hurricane Irma until I drew closer and began to see the rust and displaced louvers. What used to be the office is battered down as if in anticipation of another storm
The Philipsburg Jubilee Library Needs a New Home, URGENTLY!

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library Needs a New Home, URGENTLY!

Among the many catastrophes Hurricane Irma unleashed on us is the damage of the Philipsburg Jubilee Library. Like a wounded lion, the Library has taken staggering steps to get back on its feet again, thanks to the dedication and commitment of its staff, however, it urgently needs to be relocated for it to survive and continue to serve this community as it has done for the past 95 years. Yes, the Philipsburg Jubilee Library is 95 this year,
St. Maarten children hold Skype conversations with Dutch peers

St. Maarten children hold Skype conversations with Dutch peers

Eight children of four different schools in St. Maarten participated in Skype conversations at Philipsburg Jubilee Library with some of their peers at Rotterdam’s Central Library of Rotterdam in connection with Children’s Book Week 2018, which kicked off Sunday. Moderated by Book Week Coordinator Renee van Oosterom and librarian Ivo Kuijf in Rotterdam
“Book presentation of “Mingi ye mago malbado” to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library by Yolanda Croes.

“Book presentation of “Mingi ye mago malbado” to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library by Yolanda Croes.

— Aruban author, educator, politician, and translator Yolanda Croes recently presented her first published children’s book “Mingi ye mago malbado” / “Mingi and the wicked wizard” to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library’s Interim Director Irmin Hughes, staff and the general public.
“Book presentation of “Suddenly death” to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library by Roland E. Williams.

“Book presentation of “Suddenly death” to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library by Roland E. Williams.

“Suddenly death” is a short story collection by Aruban author Roland E. Williams. The book was published in July 2016 and it’s writer’s first publication. Two copies were presented to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library’s, Public Relations Officer, Mariland Powell and Head of Circulations, Shirley Richardson
“Book presentation of “ Unified St. Maarten Connection Student Manual:

“Book presentation of “ Unified St. Maarten Connection Student Manual:

Survival Guide to living in the Netherlands”
PHILIPSBURG (September 5th, 2018) — The “Unified St. Maarten Connection Students Manual: Survival Guide to living in the Netherlands” was presented to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library’s Interim Director, Irmin Hughes and Public Relations Officer, Mariland Powell.
Summer Learning” Pilot Program 2018 a Success

Summer Learning” Pilot Program 2018 a Success

— throughout the month of July, the Philipsburg Jubilee Library hosted a successful piloted program. The summer program this year had an academic aspect under the theme “Summer Learning”.
Summer Learning at your library

Summer Learning at your library

It is summer vacation again and the Philipsburg Jubilee Library would like to notify the general public of its upcoming Summer Learning Program.
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