Library picks

Current selection: Health, Mind & Body
Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

— Art Riggs Certified Advances Rolfer, CMT

Deep Tissue Massage is a textbook-style manual for massage-therapist who are in the process of completing basic massage training or experienced body-workers who wish to expand their skills in working deeply and safely with a wide range of clients
Health, Mind & Body Adults
The Everything Parent’s guide to dealing with Bullies

The Everything Parent’s guide to dealing with Bullies

— Debra Carpenter

Mocking, Name-calling, Physical aggression. These experiences are all forms of bullying that can wreak havoc on a child’s self-esteem, safety, and general happiness. But how can you protect your child without making the problem worse.
Health, Mind & Body - Non-Fiction Adults
Life without Bread

Life without Bread

— Christian B. Allan, PH.D & Wolfgang Lutz, M.D.

If you’re currently following a low-carbohydrate diet or thinking about changing the way you eat, Life Without Bread provides powerful evidence that can lead you too optimal lifelong health
Health, Mind & Body Adults
Blood Types, Body Types and You

Blood Types, Body Types and You

— Joseph Christiano, ND, CNC

If you are frustrated with diets that don't work world-renowned health and fitness Coach Dr. Joe Christiano can help, he offers his tested and proven weight-loss program based on the simple concept that your blood type determines your body's ability to absorb nutrients, fight off disease, and lose weight.
Health, Mind & Body Adults
Super Immunity

Super Immunity

— Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Joel Fuhrman, expert and certified medical specialist, offers a comprehensive guide to superior health. Based on scientific research, Super Immunity shows how we can become almost resistant to colds, and other infections
Health, Mind & Body Adults
African Holistic Health

African Holistic Health

— Llaila O. Afrika

Dr. Llaila Afrika, a nutrition consultant, a massage therapist, historian, writer and Doctor of Naturopathy. He has studied in Africa, Europe, America and believes that each of his clients have the right to good health and happiness.
Health, Mind & Body Adults
We have met the enemy

We have met the enemy

— Daniel Akst

Self-control is tough, especially now, when more calories, sex, and intoxicants are readily and privately available than at any time in memory. But while temptations have multiplied like fast-food outlets, crucial social constraints have eroded. We have met the enemy is a brilliant and irreverent search for answers that delves into overspending, procrastination, anger,
Health, Mind & Body - Non-Fiction Adults
Power up your brain

Power up your brain

— David Perlmutter & Albert Villoldo

Joining the long-separated worlds of science and spirit, Perlmutter explores the exciting phenomena of neurogenesis and mitochondrial health, while Villoldo brings his vast knowledge of shamanic and spiritual practices to the table. Together they will guide you step by step, through a, five-week Power Up Your Brain program, which helps you overcome toxic emotions and awakens the power of your higher brain.
Health, Mind & Body - Science Adults
My child is sick!

My child is sick!

— Barton D. Schmitt, MD, Faap

Treating your sick child can be a daunting experience. You want to ensure the best for him or her, but you also know that every illness doesn’t require a trip to the doctor’s office or emergency department.
Health, Mind & Body Adults
Girls play to win: Volleyball

Girls play to win: Volleyball

— Chros McDougall

On the floor or in the sand….
I rule the net.
Pass, set, hit… Now get ready to block and dig!
Volleyball has grown from its origins as a gentle girl’s game to the hard-hitting, fast-serving sport it is today. No longer confined to an indoor court, beach volleyball now grabs the spotlight during the summer season, too. So grab a ball and go for a kill!
Young Readers age 9 to 12
Arts & Entertainement - Health, Mind & Body Adults - Teenagers
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