Library picks

Current selection: Religion & Spirituality
The Alchemist

The Alchemist

— Paulo Coelho

Santiago, a young shepherd boy, embarks on a quest to discover his personal legend and fulfill his dreams after consulting a Gypsy fortune teller who interprets his recurring dream. The dream is interpreted as a prophecy that propels him on a journey—a blend of adventure, mysticism, and self-discovery.
Fiction - Religion & Spirituality Adults - Senior - Teenagers
Seasons Change

Seasons Change

— Patricia Y. Evers

Change is inevitable and very necessary, the way we receive it will determine whether we strive, survive, or thrive. As the natural season change, so do the seasons of our lives.
Literary & Classics - Religion & Spirituality Adults
House Blessings

House Blessings

— June Cotner

The home has long been the center of our family lives. This is where we gather to create memories with family and friends and to find comfort and solace for ourselves
Religion & Spirituality Adults
Many Paths: One Goal

Many Paths: One Goal

— J.P. Vaswani

Dada J.P. Vaswani believes: “Religions came to unite, reconcile, to create harmony among men.” It is this spirit of unity, understanding and harmony that provides his attempt to write.
Religion & Spirituality Adults
Jesus and Yahweh: The Names Divine

Jesus and Yahweh: The Names Divine

— Harold Bloom

There is not a sentence concerning Jesus in the New Testament composed by anyone who ever had met the unwilling King of the Jews.”
Religion & Spirituality Adults
The Book of Stones

The Book of Stones

— Robert Simmons

The Book of Stones is the most in-depth, definitive guide to the world of crystals, minerals, gemstones, and their metaphysical energies that has yet been written
Religion & Spirituality Adults
The Ten Commandments of working in a hostile environment

The Ten Commandments of working in a hostile environment

— T.D. Jakes

Are you dealing with an abusive boss, gossiping coworkers, demanding deadlines or the sheer boredom of unfulfilling work? No matter what you’re facing when you go to work, T.D. Jakes is here to reassure you that God has placed each one of us where we are for a reason. And when you learn to work with Him, you’ll find yourself fulfilling your true purpose and feeling strength instead of stress.
Non-Fiction - Religion & Spirituality Adults
How to hear your angels

How to hear your angels

— Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

This is a step-by-step manual on how to clearly receive messages from your angels and guides. The material was collected from Doreen Virtue’s bestseller Messages from Your Angels and from her workshops.
Religion & Spirituality Adults
Mandala: Luminous symbols for healing

Mandala: Luminous symbols for healing

— Judith Cornell, PH.D.

The mandala – a sacred circle, symbol of healing and wholeness, has been used from ancient times to the present in spiritual traditions around the globe. Drawing on her worldwide experience in helping people access innate healing capacities, Dr. Judith Cornell presents a dramatically self-empowering approach to well-being and self-knowledge.
Non-Fiction - Religion & Spirituality Adults
Atoms & Eden: Conversations on Religion & Science

Atoms & Eden: Conversations on Religion & Science

— Steve Paulson

Here is an unprecedented collection of twenty freewheeling and revealing interviews with major players in the ongoing – increasingly heated – debate about the relationship between religion and science.
Steve Paulson explores this complex subject with a host of intellectual luminaries. The interviewees include Christians, Buddhists, Jews, and Muslims, as well as agnostics and atheists.
Religion & Spirituality - Science Adults
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