“Tips for Our Youth” Book launching Friday June 1st 2017 at the Philipsburg Jubilee Library

— May 30, 2017

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Upcoming Friday June 1st, Sergio Sno (Author) will be presenting “Tips for Our Youth” to the youth of Sint. Maarten and the general public at the Philipsburg Jubilee Library from 7 pm to 9pm.
“Tips for Our Youth” Book launching Friday June 1st 2017 at the Philipsburg Jubilee Library
This is the very first book written by the author Sergio Sno. However, according to him it will not be his last. This book was born from his experiences as he worked with young people in his native country Suriname and also here on Sint Maarten. After losing his mother at the age of thirteen, Sergio had to fend for himself. He did odd jobs so that he could earn some money to provide for himself and to go to school. “Life was very hard for me,” he writes in the preface of his book, “but I never gave up. I always had the belief that I could make it in life.” One of Sergio’s passions was music. After singing in several bands and choirs he eventually ended up directing several choirs, with which he traveled and won many awards. As a teenager and a young adult he was faced with many temptations that could have led him down a road of self-destruction. Sergio attributes his success and his positive attitude to his relationship with God whom he got to know in a very personal way at the age of twelve.

Before settling in Sint Maarten some ten years ago, Sergio lived and worked in Trinidad. However, where ever he goes he finds a church and usually ends up directing one of its choirs and working with the youth, giving them positive advice and helping them to find their path in life. According Sergio, it was God who inspired him to collate these life-tips and to put them in a book.

Sergio Sno will be launching his new book “Tips for our Youth” on Friday, June 2nd 2017 at 7pm at the Philipsburg, Jubilee Library. He is extending an invitation to everybody, especially the young people. The program will be short and to the point. Giving remarks during the program will be Mavis Brooks-Salomon and Wycliffe Smith “Tips for our Youth” is available and will be on sale and during the reception and autographed by Sergio Sno. The evening promises to be cultural and inspirational. All are welcomed.

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