“The Philipsburg Jubilee Library reopens after Hurricane Irma’s destruction”

— October 20, 2017

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On Tuesday October 24 th ,2017, from 9 am to 5pm,
the Philipsburg Jubilee Library will reopen to the general public after two challenging
months. The library remained closed through the month of September and partially
through October to allow the staff the time to complete necessary clean up and repairs.
“The Philipsburg Jubilee Library reopens after Hurricane Irma’s destruction”
The management and staff are happy to once again provide their services. Opening hourswill be Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5pm, Thursdays from 2-5pm, and Saturdays from10 am to 1pm.

Unfortunately, the inner library will not be accessible to the public. Thus we have created atemporary solution to accommodate our loyal customers by using the entrance hall. Thearea is limited but we have done our best to try and accommodate most everyone’s needs.

Customers will have access to library materials, namely the children’s collection and asmall selection of Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction, our internet café, DvD’s, photocopying, alounge area, and a study area for students.

There will be no penalties issued for overdue items or damages due to the passing ofHurricane Irma. This grace period will last until the end of 2017. Please use this time tocome in and let us know how you and the library books fared Hurricane Irma.

In addition to the abovementioned information. The library will also be providing outreachservices to day care centers and afternoon school programs in the form of book boxesand/or coming to the centers to perform reading related activities such as, story time,puppet theatre, and reading games.

Day care centers and afternoon schools will be contacted. However, if you would like to bepart of our schedule feel free to contact us.

We thank our patrons for bearing with us with the reopening of their beloved library.

Together we will bring back normalcy to St. Maarten one book at a time.

For more information please contact us via our website: stmaartenlibrary.org or FaceBook page: stmaarten.pjlibrary

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