Religion, culture topic at Jubilee Library Sat Feb 14th 2015

— February 13, 2015

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Workshops aimed at bringing about a better understanding of cultures, beliefs and religions of people around the world will be held at Philipsburg Jubilee Library throughout this month on Saturdays from 11:00am to 12:30pm for children ages four to 12.
Religion, culture topic at Jubilee Library Sat Feb 14th 2015
The month-long series of workshops is hosted by Rotary Club Sunrise in collaboration with Philipsburg Jubilee Library and are part of the observance of World Understanding and Peace Month. Rotarian and volunteer reader at the library Joseanne Peterson coordinates the workshop that is open to all children of the island. Each talk illustrates a different subject. Last Saturday’s topic was “Races of the Earth.” Speaking of this week’s topic on religion, Peterson said, “All of us, especially children, are built for respect and tolerance of differences. This makes each of us unique.” She called representatives of all religions of St. Maarten to attend the talk to create an ever more thought provoking experience for the children. “Hopefully, the children can have a meet and greet after story time.” Presenter for this week is Helen Salomons, a certified United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) volunteer. For World Understanding Month, Rotary Clubs around the globe are focused on projects and programmes that promote peace and reduce conflict in communities in the continued quest for good will, peace and understanding among people of the world. The month includes the anniversary of the first meeting of Rotary held on February 23, 1905.

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