PJL Literacy Campaign in full swing!

— May 12, 2020

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The Philipsburg Jubilee Library is pleased to announce that applications for the 2020 Literacy Campaign are steadily coming in.

To accommodate the request of some students and school managers PJL have decided to extend the deadline from May 15th to May 29th, 2020.
PJL Literacy Campaign in full swing!
This extension to May 29th, 2020 will now also include a special prize for a family project. This will allow students in the same household to combine their creativity, talents and artistic competency to submit a joint project in keeping with the outline goal, which is to provide our members and prospective members with the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings about their experience with Covid -19.

Should you have missed the information on the Literacy Campaign: “What’s on your mind about Covid -19”, we refer you the library’s website (stmaartenlibrary.org) and Face book page (stmaarten.

Pjlibrary). We like to add to the information that there is no limit in the amount of words.

Your experiences and participation are important to us and will be rewarded in prizes for the most original, inspiring and intriguing applications.

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