Philipsburg Jubilee Literacy Outreach continues in September.

— September 3, 2020

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During the month of September PJL intends to offer another variety of literacy experiences to its patrons and the community at large by offering programs that will highlight the fact that reading is and will always be the fundamental aspect of one’s development.
Philipsburg Jubilee Literacy Outreach continues in September.
To do this PJL September focal group and management have put in place some collaborative initiatives with teenagers and two Rotary Clubs on St. Maarten to present special reading recordings for your listening and viewing pleasure. This will be done on two levels of which one is the featuring of teenagers reading a special selected book and the second is acknowledging and partnering with the Rotary Club Mid Isle and Rotary Club Sunset by featuring them on our established PJL twice weekly Facebook story time programs on Wednesdays and Saturdays. More details on this partnership will be released within short and now let us enlighten you about our teenager’s reading program.“Reading freaks me out.

Live life in a bubble…or risk everything for a great story? That is the challenge the Philipsburg Jubilee Library (PJL) embarked upon this month for all teenagers. You might say: “Reading freaks me out!”. Nevertheless, the PJL took the initiative to invite teenagers to read a chapter of the bestseller ‘Everything -Everything’, by Nicola Yoon.

The reading of this book will take center stage during PJL’s Literacy Outreach 3 program 2020. The reading sessions will be recorded and aired online on our social media platforms, followed by a book discussion at the end of the month, which will be facilitated by social worker, Ms. Casandra Richardson.

Selected teenagers are invited to each read a chapter of the book of about 14 to 16 pages. The reading sessions will be recorded in advance and aired between September 14 thru September 22nd, the date for the book discussion will be communicated on a later date. The overall goal is to give youngsters the opportunity to listen to a story you can relate to, without reading it yourself and voice their opinion about the story on our Facebook Page, or our PJL Blog and even during the open book discussion.

Why do we do this in this format? First of all, we promote reading, which is not a secret. Secondly we realize that a lot of teenagers need some encouragement to do so. Thirdly, encouragement by means of reading with your peers can only be done within the COVID19 preventive measures. Fourthly, you can choose to be really very actively involved by reading a chapter; very actively involved by listening to the story and respond via social media; actively involved by just listening to the story. Last but not least, we simply challenge you…If there are other teenagers listening or reading about this that are interested to participate in our reading sessions, kindly contact, before September 4, 2020. All others, just get ready to leave your bubble and get ready for a great story. The story will be aired in the week of September 14, 2020. Further details, will follow.

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