Library Hosted Story time Easter Egg Hunt

— April 24, 2019

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On Wednesday, April 17th, 2019, it was a fun and crowded house when the Philipsburg Jubilee Library (PJL) hosted a story time and Easter egg hunt for thirty pupils ages 0-3 years at the new temporary location upstairs of the Adolphus Richardson Building # 3 W. J. A. Nisbeth Road.
Library Hosted Story time Easter Egg Hunt
As the library considers literacy the greatest core component and gateway to education the children attending the event were engaged in fun interactive storytelling. Thereafter there was a sing-along, followed by an Easter egg hunt. Hundreds of eggs were hidden throughout the library as part of the Easter egg hunt. The children attending were enchanted from start to finish with entertainment galore to their delight. Children received refreshments and a special “goody” bag, along with all the Easter eggs they had collected. Parents took this opportunity to enroll their children to be members of the library. The Philipsburg Jubilee Library will continue to create programs such as these that stimulate the imagination and expand the understanding of one’s environment through books, language, and listening skills.

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