Information sessions on personal finance, insurance, labour law and immigration at the library

— September 24, 2015

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The popular and well-received Power of Knowledge sessions are back at the library. Starting Tuesday, September 29th, the library will be hosting information sessions on labour law, immigration, financial planning and insurance.
Information sessions on personal finance, insurance, labour law and immigration at the library
The lectures will take place each week for a duration of four weeks. Experts in the areas of interest will be at the library to speak about the topic of the evening, which will then be followed by a question and answer session.

Do you wonder about how you can make sure that you can go on pension comfortably? Should you get that extra life insurance to safeguard your children’s futures? How can you budget or plan for your mortgage or your next project? If you have questions like these you should not miss the “Know your finances” segment in the first two weeks of the Power of Knowledge series at the library. The “Know your finances” series will encompass: how to manage personal finances, loans and mortgages, pensions, insurance and many other topics in the area of financial planning.

What about your rights? Do you know what your rights are? The “Know your rights” segment of the Power of Knowledge series, starting from September 13th, sets out to empower and inform you about labour law: workers’ rights and responsibilities, the types of work contracts, overtime & holiday compensations, etc.; and immigration: immigration law, visa requirements and residence permits.

Tuesday, the 29th of September at 6:30 pm, Rolando Tobias, Senior Sales Leader at the Windward Islands Bank Ltd., will come to the library to provide an information session on personal finance & financial planning. On October 6th at 6:30 pm, Neil Henderson, Managing Director at Henderson Insurances, will discuss insurance and financial planning. On October 13th at 6:30 pm, Gwendolien Mossel, former Coordinator of Policy for Immigration and Border Protection (IBP), will discuss immigration. On Tuesday October 20th at 6:30 pm, Nikima Groeneveldt-Hickinson, Policy Advisor at the Department of Labor, will provide a lecture on labour law. Entry to all the information sessions will be completely free of charge. Photo caption: Speaker at the Power of Knowledge series Gwendolien Mossel (left) will provide an information session on immigration and Rolando Tobias (right) will discuss financial planning

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