Halloween Reading & Costume Party

— October 17, 2012

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The Philipsburg Jubilee Library will be hosting a spooktacular event on the 27th of October 2012. This activity will focus on activities related to reading. The library’s Halloween program started in 2009 and has had a successful turn out ever since
Halloween Reading & Costume Party
It provides a twist to reading in a fun, educational and safe setting. Instead of scared trembling in bed, youngsters will be at the library in a secure reading environment.

The Halloween program will commence at 6.30 pm and end at 7.45 pm sharp.

Children from ages 10 to 13 are welcome to sign up, as there will be limited space, for the Halloween party. There will be snacks, drinks, and most importantly treats.

Date: Saturday 27th October 2012Time: 6:30 pm to7.45 pmDress code: scary or funny costumePlease walk with your own trick or treat bags and your lanterns for light. Be sure to make your way to the library and sign up for the Halloween party. A fee of $ 5, 00 will be charged.

Parents are advised to pick up your children on time; by 8.15 or they will be left for the witches.

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