“Fun- Filled Summer Program” at your library

— June 27, 2019

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— It is almost summer vacation again and the Philipsburg Jubilee Library would like to notify the general public of its upcoming “Fun-Filled Summer Program” that is catering for primary and secondary students. One of the main objectives of the Philipsburg Jubilee Library has always been the promotion of a reading culture among the Sint Maarten Community and its youngsters.
“Fun- Filled Summer Program” at your library
The summer program is a program which runs annually during the month of July. It brings children together to not only connect youngsters with books, but also to foster a bond between the library, to meet other likeminded youngsters while discussing books, and doing fun activities in an educational setting. Youngsters will be in a creative space where they can express themselves in a fun learning environment. In addition, this year we have once again included awareness of norms, values, and cultures of people within our community to the program.

The “Fun- Filled Summer Program” is designed to support youngsters who would like to engage themselves in digital reading, cultural excursions, motivational empowerment and recreational activities. As we are aware that youngsters need to stay mentally and physically active, the inspirational program will motivate, build self-confidence, and promote team building skills that can be applied in their daily lives.

This year’s target groups are youngsters between the ages of 7 -13 who attend primary school as well as ages 13 – 18: middle schoolers who are attending secondary school. Some children have trouble getting back into the “school rhythm “after the summer vacation as they passed their time watching television or simply hanging out. During this year’s “Fun-Filled Summer Program” the library will assist these students by improving their listening skills and confidence building, as well as keeping them active via sports-related activities. This will make it easier to get back into learning once the new school year starts.

Parents can register their children aged 7-18 as of Thursday, June 27th, 2019 at the library. We are currently located above the Adolphus Richardson Building, W. J. A. Nisbeth Road #3, Philipsburg. Registration will end on Thursday, July 4th, 2019, please note space is limited per group. The Fun-Filled Summer Program registration price is NAF 215 or $120 per child for three (3) weeks commencing on July 8th through July 31st, 2019.

The library encourages all parents to continue assisting our children in becoming avid and lifelong readers and book lovers. The reading of books assists the entire community which strengthens us all. The library appreciates the patronage of its members and wishes everyone a happy, safe and memorable summer.

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