CaribServe supports Library on Telecommunication Day

— May 19, 2014

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On the occasion of World Telecommunication Day CaribServe, the Broadband Internet brand of UTS, has committed to supporting the Philipsburg Jubilee library in its endeavor to promote the reading of e-books .
CaribServe supports Library on Telecommunication Day
The internet provider has provided the library with e-readers that library patrons can use to download and read e-books. The Library launched its e-book service last year. Since June 2013 every library card holder can download e-books free of charge through the library website. The e-book service is highly popular but, one obstacle for some patrons is the fact that they do not own an e-reader. An e-reader is a hand held device on which one can read e-books and often perform other activities as well. To allow more library patrons to enjoy e-books, CaribServe decided to donate three Android tablets to the library which can be used for e-reading as well as to display digital picture books during libraries weekly storyhour for young children."The library is steadily expanding its e-book service and who better than CaribServe, their technological partner, to assist them in achieving their goal of further modernizing their facilities and processes.” says UTS Marketing and Communication Officer, Ivy Lambert. CaribServe has been providing the library with broadband internet service for many years to facilitate the daily operations of the library and also allowing patrons whom may not have internet connectivity at home to surf the web for educational or recreational purposes. “The 2014 theme for Telecommunication Day is Broadband for Sustainable Development which we feel goes hand-in-hand with the products and services we offer. We hope our donation will allow many to become familiar with and enjoy the digital reading experience. The e-readers are yet another step in familiarizing the community at large with the many of possibilities the application of multimedia offers.” Lambert continues.

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